Heartbeat of the City
Chase Wilson + Trey Whitaker
Parade at the K - Teal Zone
View ArtistHeart Distinction and Details Overall, the heart showcases the broad and important roles that public works employees contribute every day. Particularly, the main images were chosen for their association with the Public Work industry. The first image is the flagger symbol which is used in advanced of construction zones to notify motorist of an upcoming work zone and flagger. On the reverse side the “image” is a collage of type II and III safety vest from Public Works Professionals and frontline staff. Each of the vest are signed or initialed by their owner. For the base of the heart, we have selected to use orange as a connection to construction work and the work zones. that many Public Works Professionals work in each day. At the base of the heart are the color bars/stripes to represent the Public Works First Responder Flag. Moreover, the base showcases the strength that Public Works professionals imbue into our community’s infrastructure.
Created in 2023
Heart Sponsored By